
One of the fundamental principles of human nature is the craving to be acknowledged and appreciated. As much as the Sun, the Soil and Water are required by the human Being to survive, praise and appreciation are required for hope and inspiration to move on and progress and this applies to all of us. In fact next to physical survival the greatest need of a human being is psychological survival and the deep yearning to be appreciated. A sincere compliment, acknowledgement, appreciation or praise has navigated the lives of many to achieve great success in life. Most people enjoy a warm feeling that comes when we are made special – when we know that we matter. When we feel valued and connected we feel more energized are more productive feel connected and do the best work. All of us want to know that we make a difference. When members of the families are engaged, there is harmony in the family and when the employees in the work place are engaged, the organizations excel and produce more profits.

Most of us experience a wonderful feeling when someone recognizes us for a meaningful contribution we have made or for a special quality or the characteristics we possess. This is all possible when we appreciate genuinely appreciate the goodness in others. From an organization perspective acknowledgements can make the difference between retaining and losing employees. If you are losing good employees, look to their immediate boss. Instead of appreciation some of the bosses humiliate the employees which becomes intolerable and they start looking for better jobs The lack of camaraderie, human interaction, compassion and meaningful work all will take a toll. From where we are to where we want to be we need the support of people.

No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to do it.

Mahatma Gandhi said that

we are neither dependent or independent but interdependent and together all of us form an organic whole.

If we have Self- Knowledge do not need external validation but since most of us lack in Self- Knowledge we need acknowledgement, appreciation and praise - right from children to Senior Citizens. More than 90% of the people are motivated to great work when they are appreciated. It takes little time for an appreciation doesn't cost anything and could impact the recipient for a life time. About 7 out of 10 employees are in search of new jobs because they are emotionally disconnected from their work place and felt under valued because they were under appreciated. We all know that this world would be a better place if there were more kindness and offered expressions of appreciation more frequently. He who appreciates another enriches himself far more than the one whom he praises. To praise is in investment in one's own happiness. The poorest human being has something to give that the richest could not buy quotes George Mathew Adams. However it is our innate nature to take people for granted and fail to appreciate that they have contributed to our progress or wellness. We must learn to praise others. Without our appreciation even the best people cannot shine!! It takes very little time to give an eye contact, smile, engage or ask how someone is doing.

I was sitting in the flight when a woman passenger hurriedly came and occupied the seat next to me. She took her phone and called up the taxi cab agency which had dropped her off at the airport. She conveyed her deep appreciation to have got dropped her at the airport on time despite a heavy traffic jam. The driver had taken her to the airport trying not to keep her under stress as he kept reassuring that they would reach on time. Not that she would not have thanked the driver of the cab on arrival on time but she wanted the company to hear the compliment and Author Harvey Tordoff points out the inter- dependency of all life forms.

He says, “The point is, we are not outside; we are the components that make up the whole. By inflicting pain and suffering on others we are inflicting it on the whole - of which we are part. Much of today's suffering stems from the way in which those with power exploit those who are more vulnerable. We cannot prevent all civil wars and acts of terrorism and tyranny, but by changing our behaviour we can create a fairer world, one with better health care, less hunger, more education, less exploitation.” As individuals, by changing ourselves, and by our kind thought and compassionate action, we can be the change-agents the world needs. At our own individual levels, we all must work towards unity and harmony.